EMA Top 3 Report: Ten priorities for enabling secure access to enterprise IT services

Enterprise productivity, profitability, and success in meeting business objectives are dependent on the ability of workforces…

Key considerations for delivering secure, unparalleled remote access

Digital transformation is the rocket fuel that helps companies boost productivity, engage consumers, and empower their…

Forrester Report: Top Cybersecurity Threats in 2019

Security pros have the challenging task of using finite budgets to protect their business from every…

Three ways new technology is shaping the future of healthcare

For clinicians, mobility solutions have the potential to increase flexibility, consolidate remote access, and improve the…

Six Steps to Enabling The Mobile Clinician for The Future

Healthcare IT is a driving force in bringing about better patient care, and mobility is a…

Devops loops at Vmworld

En 20 ans, la manière de développer, de lancer et de mener un projet, de déployer…

Gestion de la perception : la cle d’une experience reussie

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are here, but they aren't futuristic robots taking over our jobs.…

Gestion de la perception: la clé d’une expérience employé réussie

Le temps. On semble ne jamais en avoir assez, ce qui n’a rien d’étonnant lorsqu’on pense…

Imaginez les opportunités

Pour construire le monde de demain et vous y projeter, vous devez d’abord l’imaginer. VMworld 2021…

FUTURE OF AGILE INFRASTRUCTURES Miser sur le multicloud, maitriser l’hybridation

Dans la plupart des organisations, le recours au Cloud se généralise. Que l’on parle de Cloud…